The Mumbai Airport, the second busiest in the country, has appointed a Spanish consultant to check the feasibility of installing noise barriers at the airport premises. Additionally, the consultant will also advise the airport authorities on whether it would be an effective way to control the noise levels of the airport which handles around 950 flights everyday.


According to the Mumbai International Airport Limited (MIAL), the noise levels are monitored at all times. The noise data is assessed regularly to scrutinise the noise pollution caused due to aircraft movement as well as background noise.

"We are continuously monitoring the noise level generating at Mumbai airport and they are within the permissible limits, considering that we apply a specific formula for measuring noise levels. However, we have recently appointed a Spain-based consultant to ascertain whether installing noise barriers at Mumbai airport would be a feasible idea or not," said a official from Mumbai International Airport Limited (MIAL).

The bustling airport handles more than 40 flights in one hour, leading to noise being generated continually due to the landing and taking off of flights. In order to monitor the noise, the airport has around five monitoring stations, including mobile ones.

"The study is underway and we can say it is about to finish shortly. Subsequently, a report will be prepared on the installation of noise barriers. There are mainly three sources of noise generation at the end of operations and we are trying to identify how the three sources can be controlled with the help of noise barriers," added the official.

"Noise is generated at three levels, mid air while landing or take off, and there is no scope of installing noise barriers mid-air. Secondly, noise is generated on the runway but noise barriers cannot be installed on the runway, hence, we are keen to know whether noise can be controlled at the third source which is by installing noise barriers at parking areas or engine testing area," he explained.


  • According to the Mumbai International Airport Limited (MIAL), the noise levels are monitored at all times. It is scrutinised regularly to assess the noise  
  • Most of the noise pollution in the Airport is caused due to aircraft movement during landing and take-off in addition to background noise 


44.5 decibels Minimum noise level during day

43.9 decibels Minimum noise level during night

74.6 decibels Maximum noise level during day

69.7 decibels Maximum noise level during night

*Source: Environmental statement of Mumbai airport