A 14-year-old school topper allegedly committed suicide by jumping off the 17th floor of an apartment building on Thursday, although her parents say it was because they had scolded for not studying, police suspect it was because they would not let her go on a school trip to USA.


As a mark of respect, the school has cancelled all plans for the annual trip.

The incident took place in Malad West on Thursday morning in Sunder Nagar. Police say the Class 9 student did not leave behind a suicide note and have registered a case of accidental death. She was awarded two gold medals last month for her exemplary academic performance.

At 11 am on Thursday, the teenager and her mother were together at home. The child excused herself, went to the terrace and apparently jumped off. Her body was found on the parking lot on the second floor by security personnel. Residents rushed her to the local hospital, where she was declared dead before admission.

"The parents say the mother had scolded her for not studying and this prompted her to take this drastic step," said Sub-Inspector Dharmaraj Redekar of Malad Police station. "However, we also found her school had arranged a trip to the USA and she desperately wanted to go. We suspect that her parents denied permission and so was unhappy." School authorities are shocked and only said that she was a brilliant student and the recipient of several scholarships and academic awards.

"We used to keep the terrace door shut," said chief security guard Santosh Tiwari, who feels the tragedy could have been averted. "However, we started keeping it open after the BMC notice for the same in view of safety regulations in case of a fire."

Bright Student

 Teachers at the Mumbai school said the girl excelled in her studies and had received several awards and scholarships
 The police suspect she took her life as her parents did not allow her to go a school trip to US