Model gets award from Lions Club for ‘presence of mind’

MUMBAI: Model Moon Das’s ‘presence of mind’, when confronted by her armed ex-boyfriend Avinash Patnaik at her Andheri apartment, has been recognised as an ‘act of bravery’ by the Lions Club, Mumbai.

The 23-year-old Moon has been in the news after her lover, Avinash, an Orissa-based businessman, allegedly shot Moon’s mother and uncle after Moon called off their relationship.. The jilted lover had been allegedly waiting to kill Moon with the last bullet in his revolver but the tables turned over when Moon, who arrived home along with her friend Romesh Sharma, ‘courageously’ reacted to the situation.

“Seeing Avinash with a revolver in his hand, Moon pushed him inside and locked the door from outside with the help of Romesh. This act of hers is nothing short of bravery,” said Raju Manwani, vice district governor, Bombay district, Lions Club .

According to Manwani, it was a unanimous decision taken by the Lions Club authorities after judging the way Moon studied the situation and prepared to tackle it. “Moon had been trying to call her mother and uncle but they were not responding. When she saw Avinash’s car in the compound, she sensed something was wrong,” said Manwani adding that the club was not going into any technical details of the case and was not concerned with any allegations made against the model.

While Moon acknowledged the award, she remained absent at the function organised at the Bhaidas Hall in Juhu. “Moon has accepted the award. However, she was not in a state of mind to make it to the function,” said Bobby Paul, Moon’s lawyer.

Meanwhile, Avinash’s father Bhupen was astonished after hearing the news. Speaking to DNA from Bhubaneshwar, Bhupen said, “This is nothing other than Moon’s attempt to get cheap publicity and divert the investigations of the case.”