Pradnya Halankar


Works with TB patients

A few years ago, Pradnya was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis and underwent a year of medication. In October 2015, she raised money with a few people to help 16 families suffering from tuberculosis for a six-month period. “We raised money to buy family packs that comprised rice, dal, peanuts, salt, oil and jaggery. The cost of each family pack is Rs 600, which can’t be afforded by everyone. We got in touch with the doctors and asked them to distribute the meals. After this, we worked with eight other families for another six-month period,” says this IT professional.


Renuka Jamkhandi

Work: Works with HIV patients

Renuka, who married her husband despite his HIV positive status (due to transfusion), contracted the infection, has two HIV negative children and spends her time counselling people with HIV. “I teach them the dos and don’ts after they have contracted the infection. I also dispel their fears and tell them that they can live an absolutely normal life. My husband and I are living example. We have both been infected since 2004,” she said.

Prachii Garg

Works with E&Y's Public Health Practice

Prachii has been working in the public health space since 2001. She is a Humphrey Fullbright Scholar and has studied public health policy at Emroy University, US. She has worked with various places such as National AIDS Control before moving into the public health division of EY. She works with government and public sector organisations towards developing policies and strategies focused on improving performance, efficiency and impact. “Currently, we are working towards strengthening various government programmes such as immunisation and tuberculosis,” she said.

Aamer Hassanally

Work: Director & co-founder at WaterWalla to provide drinking water to Dharavi residents

WaterWalla has been working with the residents of Dharavi and providing them clean drinking water through a sustainable water filter. “Though we realised we wouldn't be able to provide clean drinking water to everyone in Dharavi, the residents there were extremely business-minded. We decided to introduce affordable purification technologies in the community by cultivating local entrepreneurs who would benefit from selling products like chlorine tablets and non-electric filters," says Aamer.”