Social activist Medha Patkar has termed the Golibar SRA scheme as an Adarsh-like scam that displaced thousands of slum dwellers by misleading the high court. She said she will ‘expose’ the scheme by appointing People’s Commission of Enquiry along the lines of the inquiry her organisation conducted in Lavasa project.


However, she has been accused by a number of residents in Golibar, Santa Cruz (East) of interfering in the project.

National Alliance of People’s Movements met chief secretary Ratankar Gaikwad on Monday and requested him to review the project. Gaikwad has reportedly admitted to inquire into the illegal eviction of the residents and other irregularities.

Patkar said that of the 140-acre land on which the project is being implemented, nearly 62 acres belonged to the defence. She said that even the six buildings, in which the slum dwellers have been rehabilitated, are constructed on defence land and they could be razed anytime. “The deverloper, Shivalik Ventures, has failed to rehabilitate the slum dwellers who were evicted for the redevelopment,” she said.

But while the developer is fighting a legal battle with a section of residents, a number of promoters of various colonies have written a letter to the chief minister complaining about what they have termed as “Patkar’s interference in the implementation of the demolition drive carried out by the SRA officials as well as the developer”. “We want all the slums to be demolished so that the developer can speed up the process of rehabilitation. However, Patkar, along with a handful of residents, has been trying to stop the process,” states the letter.

Patkar said that though the demolition undertaken by the government authorities is as per the order of the courts, the builder has got the order by misleading the court. However, the developer claimed that more than 50% of the slum dwellers, against whom the demolition drive was undertaken, were ineligible.

“The eligible ones have been rehabilitated accordingly. By fighting for the ineligible, Patkar is delaying the rehabilitation of the eligible families,” said Ramakant Jadhav, director Shivalik Ventures.

Jadhav rubbished the allegation of the acquisition of the defence land.