Not willing to tolerate the chaos due to haphazard parking in the area, the residents of D Road, Marine Drive have come out with their own solution to help themselves.


The residents have worked out vertical and angular parking to accommodate the increasing number of cars, valet parking and have stickers on cars of residents to avoid the traffic chaos on the road due to double and triple parking.

D Road has around seven residential buildings, BCCI headquarters, Garware club, and the office of the Bombay Hockey Association. There over 150 cars and since the buildings were constructed in 1950s - not designed to cater to large parking spaces- there is parking crunch. At any given time there are four cars of the residents that are double parked. To add to this, regular parties and weddings in the club and the open space of the BHA ground during the wedding season worsens the situation as double parking becomes rampant and at times there is three layer parking.“Unlike the other side roads, D Road is a two-way road. Cars stopping outside the stadium gates and building gates block the ingress and egress during emergencies. Since the clubs do not allow parking, which ideally they should, it leads to double and triple parking on the road, further blocking traffic. The use of the hockey ground for marriages adds to the parking menace. We are trying to work out a solution here,” said Anil Bhatia, honourary secretary of the Marine Drive Residents Association - D Road.“While asking the traffic police to act, it becomes important that our own house is in order. We did not want them to tow away cars that belong to the residents,” added PF Parikh another resident and member of the association. Hence the idea to have vertical parking along with provisions of valet and car stickers for identification.“We have increased the space by parking vertically and trying angular parking. At the BCCI side, we have managed to park at least six more cars. Same is the case outside the buildings where three to four cars can be parked,” added Bhatia.