The Colaba police have arrested a 28 year-old man for allegedly duping an Austrian national for Rs 30,000 under the pretext of selling him drugs. The accused was arrested within few hours by the police. The accused has been identified as Rakesh Jha.


According to the police, an Austrian national, Gabriel Toso, 22, a student at Vienna University was introduced to Jha in a the Colaba market where Toso was buying some spices. The police said after the formal introduction Jha asked Toso if he was keen to buy drugs and handed him a small packet wrapped in plastic. Jha asked for Rs 30,000 for the said drugs and after getting paid for the drugs he told Toso to immediately throw it away as some policemen saw this exchange, which might lead to his arrest.

"Jha made Toso believe that a policeman was behind him and would arrest him anytime. He then told Toso that if you pay Rs 30,000 to the police then you will be able to get rid of them. As Toso was already scared he handed over the money to Jha and disappeared into the crowd," said a police officer from Colaba police station.

He added, "Toso then went to the hotel room and narrated the incident to his friend who felt something amiss."