In order to make better use of time and to cut down on travelling from his house to his workplace at Andheri, an IT professional chose to work from home. However, after a few days, he ended up spending a major chunk of his time playing online games instead of working.


When the 27-year-old Suresh Rao (name changed), a south Mumbai resident was on the verge of losing his job, he took counselling sessions for better mental health and de-addiction to online gaming. He now plays for only half an hour or one hour a day. Rao has been prescribed with medicines and is still undergoing counselling.

According to Rao's psychologist, they have been receiving cases of online gaming addiction a bit too frequently. There is at least a new case every week. The patients belong to different age groups and professions. Also, most of these patients show issues related to behavioural changes, the psychologist added.

Dr Sagar Mundada, a psychologist at Health Spring, also receives a new case of online gaming addiction every week. Speaking about Rao's case, Dr Sagar, said, "He wanted to cut down on travel time and chose to work from home. But, while he was working from home, he spent most of his time on online games like PUBG. Such games require multiple players, Rao had become very competitive and behavioural changes were noticed in him. His urge to play online games was irresistible"

Rao now uses a 2G network phone for daily use. Dr Mundada said, "The patient is on medicines for his impulsive behaviour. While we can't cut down on his gaming time completely, we have reduced it and he is recovering. We have completed around seven to eight sessions. Presently, he is more aware of the pros and cons of his addiction."