India is known for its gigantic forts that not only served as a line of defence for many centuries, but also proved to be architectural enigmas. However, due to prolonged negligence, these marvellous forts have become prone to encroachments or have been taken over illegally. Most of the forts are in a grave condition today, and despite this, the authorities refuse to pay attention to them. In our ‘Fort Series’ of the last surviving forts of Mumbai, we feature Mahim Fort this week.


Factopedia:Mahim Fort has had a long list of people trying to win it over the centuries, ensuing several wars and skirmishes. In 1516, Portuguese commander Dom Joao de Monoy defeated Ali Shah, the commander of this fort; the two groups indulged in fights for several years after that. The fort was finally taken away by the Portuguese from Bahadur Shah in 1534. In 1661, the fort was given as a dowry by the Portuguese to the British, post which it became a strategic watchtower for the latter. During a war in 1772, Portuguese invaders were forced out by the British with the help of cannonballs and in this process, Mount Mary’s Basilica was damaged.

Present state:The site currently has its own distinct biodiversity and is located in the K/East ward, near Mahim Causeway. The fort lies in a pitiable state as it is fully encroached by slums and also has brick structures and slums constructed within its premises. While the fort is owned by the State Directorate of Archaeology and Museums (SDA), the authorities have not made any effort to conserve it, ignoring the two-storied structures built adjacent to it.   

The information and the picture for this article were sourced with the help of NGO Nagar.