Across the world, the punishment for drinking and driving is severe. Jail terms, loss of driving licence and heavy fines are imposed with impunity. Breathalyser tests are regularly used by the police to check drunk drivers
Policy in India
First time drunken offenders can draw a prison term of up to six months and/or a fine of up to Rs 2,000. A repeat within three years can draw imprisonment of up to two years and/or a fine of Rs 3,000
Under New York City's new drunken driving policy
Motorists with a blood alcohol level of .08 percent โ€” the legal limit โ€” or higher will have their vehicles seized on the spot.
While the motorist faces prosecution in criminal court, the vehicle seizure will be part of a separate proceeding in civil court under state forfeiture laws.
Because civil proceedings require only a preponderance of evidence for guilt โ€” rather than guilt beyond a reasonable doubt โ€” motorists acquitted of drunken driving in criminal court may still lose their cars in civil court.
Vehicles belonging to banks or car rental agencies can be returned but the businesses will be responsible for paying storage fees.
The vehicles of motorists arrested on the lesser charge of driving while impaired โ€” with a blood alcohol level of .06 to .09 percent โ€” will not be seized.

The names of the drivers are sent to local newspapers and are printed under the heading "He's Drunk and in Jail."
The driver is jailed; if he's married, his wife is jailed too.
South Africa
A 10-year prison sentence and/or the equivalent of a $10,000 fine.
Immediate jail for one year doing hard labour.
Costa Rica
Police remove plates from car.
License revoked for life.
One-year suspension of license, a $250 fine, and jail for one year.
Jail, fine, and forced to attend political lectures.
A second conviction results in execution.
El Salvador
This country has absolutely no repeat offenders. Drunk driving is punishable by execution by firing squad.
Blood alcohol content
Russia: Not even a trace of alcohol allowed
Germany: 0.03 ml
Norway and Sweden: 0.02 per cent
Australia: 0.06 per cent
France: 0.06 per cent.
United States: 0.08 per cent