The recent BMC proposal to allow restaurants to be open all night, apparently for the benefit of tourists, was taken without consulting stakeholders such as citizens’ welfare associations. The move, instead of following the Supreme Court orders to curb noise pollution, works actively to create further noise pollution in Mumbai.Already residents of Mumbai, the noisiest city in the world, are suffering and have complained against eateries at silence and residential zones.The SC order says: “Police and civic administration should be trained to understand various methods to curb the problem and also the laws on the subject. The state must play an active role in this process. Residents’ Welfare Associations, service clubs and societies engaged in preventing noise pollution as part of their projects need to be encouraged and actively involved by the local administration.”Festivals in Mumbai have reached their highest noise level ever at 123.5 dB this year. Yet, it is not festivals but traffic which creates continuous noise. The normal noise level in Mumbai exceeds 85dB continuously and reaches over 100dB when horns are used.The Supreme Court, in its landmark order dated July 18, 2005, ordered that the state government should take active steps to ensure that there is no honking in residential areas after 10pm. The SC’s orders for silence zones are even more stringent and no noise-making device can be used there at any time of day or night.Awaaz Foundation is conducting a citizens’ noise map of Mumbai using free downloadable software to measure noise on smartphones and iphones and over 300 citizens have used it in the one month of its operation. This has inspired MMRDA to conduct a formal noise map of Mumbai which would suggest appropriate action to reduce noise levels of Mumbai from all sources including traffic and loudspeakers.I believe that citizens’ health is more important than pleasing tourists. No eatery may be allowed to operate all night except after a formal noise mapping study is integrated with the Development Plan and can predict the consequences of such a decision. In any event, eateries may not be permitted in any silence zone.Sumaira Abdulali,  Founder, Awaaz  Foundation, who has written to the CM voicing against the BMC nightlife proposal