Two senior doctors working with the surgery department of JJ hospital are working to improvise the disaster plan with respect to terror attack victims. They will compare the data — injured patients, type of wounds etc — of the victims of 26/11 as well as 13/7.


Dr Ajay Bhandarwar and Dr Girish Bakshi, professor and associate professor of surgery department respectively, were part of the treatment given to victims of 26/11 and 13/7.

“We have been doing some research after the November 26 terror attacks. We have collected all data and case studies of the patients. Now, we are collecting data of the recent blasts at Opera House, Zaveri Bazaar and Khabutarkhana. The difference is that during 26/11 the terrorists had used gruesome weapons — AK-56, AK-47 rifles and hand grenades, while in the recent blasts, only bombs were used,” said Bakshi.

He added, “During the research, we will focus on intensity of wounds, injuries, casualties and the golden hour treatment. We will also research on what kind of precaution can be taken on the spot where the incident has taken place. Research will be completed by the end of November. It will be a teamwork. All doctors of surgery department and other departments have expressed their interest to help us in this research.”

A senior health professional said this kind of research will benefit all hospitals.

“Once the treatment is done, somebody has to focus on the research. We will collect information from all the departments concerned of the hospitals. This research will help improve our disaster management plan. Other hospitals will get the knowledge of what should be done after such incidents. We will send it to a medical journal,” said Dr MB Tayde, head of the surgery department, JJ hospital.