By travelling to a foreign country, Iraq based mother tried to give her 21-month-old son a new life. Born in a poor family, Abbas Salim Abdul Ridah was treated for crouzon syndrome in Mumbai based private hospital.


His mother Rabab Ali Hiooli, a farmer has already spent her life's saving to give Abbas a normal life. The child has undergone surgery to cure of crouzon syndrome, a congenital anomaly disorder which is characterized by the premature fusion of certain skull bones (craniosynostosis).

While there is no cure through medicine, surgery can help to reconstruct the skull bone. Due to this syndrome, the babies skull don't grow normally and affects the shape of the head and face. Abnormal growth of bones leads to wide-set, bulging eyes and vision problems caused by shallow eye sockets. Other abnormal growth includes a beaked nose and an underdeveloped upper jaw, dental problems and hearing loss.

The approximate cost of the surgery procedure is Rs. 13.5 lakh for foreigners.

Rabab Ali Hiooli, said, "I couldn't reach out to the right hospital for my son's treatment. Our household income was also not enough to bear the treatment cost. However, with the government's support, my son's treatment was made possible. I am quite happy with the treatment given to my son till now and he is much better as of now."

Dr Suresh Sankhala, a consultant neurosurgeon with Global Hospitals, Mumbai, said, "The syndrome is uncommon and the congenital anomaly happens due to various factors like malnutrition and poor antenatal care given to the mothers. The surgery was performed 15 days ago. We hope that he will have a good recovery and won't require another surgery."

She added, "I am a bit concerned about the eyes of my son for now, but I am sure that he will be better once the team of doctors attends to the medical complications with his eyes."


  • Crouzon syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by premature fusion of certain skull bones. This early fusion prevents the skull from growing normally and affects the shape of the head and face.   
  • Abnormal growth of bones leads to wide-set, bulging eyes and vision problems caused by shallow eye sockets; eyes that do not point in the same direction; beaked nose; underdeveloped upper jaw.