From not enough women to no toasters in the bedroom, from poolside bird convention to friendly ghost, etc, are some of the feedback guests have penned down during their stay in hotels, claims a recent survey, conducted by a well known travel portal, Wego, in collaboration with data analyst partner, Trust You.


"Hotel guests are usually quite candid about what impresses them and not," said Joachim Holte, chief marketing officer, Wego.

According to the survey, one guest, advised fellow travellers not to visit the bars and restaurants of a particular hotel only because it was frequented by 'a lot of women'.

And then there were others who were disappointed at not seeing enough women at an event in a hotel. Some guest advised the hotel management: 'In future the hotel may look into this'.

For few, not having a toaster in the room ' was just horrible!'

"Guest reviews provide an insights to fellow travellers as well as hotel management, but more importantly they highlight the individuality and personality of travellers. It also ensures that the smallest details are not overlooked," said Benjamin Jost, CEO of TrustYou.

Meanwhile, one guest complaint about the shower door being semi-transparent, "The semi-transparent glass door made it easy for anyone to see what was happening inside.

This may be lovely if you are accompanied with a pretty woman, however, I was staying with two hairy lads!" said the guest.

And not to forget supernatural guests, who were also mentioned in the survey. One person said that her friend was touched multiple times during a shower. "It was a friendly ghost but my friend did tell the ghost to go away as we meant no harm to them."

If you dislike socialising with humans then how about birds and animals? That's correct, One hotel's poolside had more pigeons and crows than humans. "And if you have a bird phobia, then this poolside might not be a place for you," wrote another guest.