MUMBAI: Chappals have often been the cause of controversies at five-star hotels. Now, the Deputy Chairman of the State Legislative Council Vasant Davkhare wants a committee to study why sandals are not allowed in pubs.

Davkhare on Monday asked the state government to constitute an all-party committee to study the rules and regulations laid by the restaurants, pubs and discos in the city.

Last year, a few Marathi actors were stopped from entering a suburban five-star hotel’s pub because they were wearing Kolhapuri chappals.

During the question hour, Shiv Sena member Neelam Gorhe raised the issue. “The experience is not only humiliating but also shows the high-handed attitude of five-star hotels,” she observed.

Replying to the query, Deputy Chief Minister R R Patil said the hotel has already apologised to the actors. He said the actors were allowed inside the hotel but not in the pub. “The rules are set by the hotel management taking into account the safety of consumers. Chappals are not allowed since they are unsafe for the consumers as well as others on the floor of the pub. The actors were offered the shoes, but they refused them,” he said.

Davkhare has asked the committee to submit the report within a week.