The Maharashtra government has encouraged state-run schools to conduct educational tours to historic places or rural destinations as per a Government Resolution (GR) released on Saturday. In keeping with the state's recently released tourism policy, the Department of School Education has released a resolution allowing schools to conduct educational tours/rural tours once every year for students of Class 5 to 10.


"Schools across boards and mediums from the state will be encouraged to conduct educational tours/rural tours to get students acquainted with the historic significance, geographical location and the culture of various places, and to educate them in various ways. Such tours, however, cannot be made mandatory for students in any way and schools should ensure that parents and students consent to it before organising them," states the GR.

Most schools conduct recreational trips once every year. Principals said that having an educational tour would help students learn in a new environment. "Most school picnics these days are organised in resorts or other recreational places. Students especially from cities do not get any exposure to the history and culture of different regions in a practical sense. These trips will help students learn a lot of things," said Prashant Redij, Principal, Hilda Castelino School and the spokesperson of Mumbai School Principals' Association.