Three months after she suffered a head injury from a 2-kilo frying pan flung out of a Madanpura high-rise, Hazeqa Kapadia finally rejoined school on Thursday, meeting her school friends with all the excitement an 8-year-old can muster.


Kapadia spent more than two months in Bombay Hospital, half of it in a coma induced by the force of the falling object. She was finally discharged from hospital on June 5. According to her father, Faizan Kapadia, doctors have advised her to restart attending school as a part of her recovery.

Her father said, "She herself was willing to go to her school. The doctors also gave us advice to make her sit in the classroom for lectures if she is willing to. This will help her in improving physically and mentally. The moment she entered the school gate, she wanted to run all over the school ground but currently she can't balance herself properly."

Kapadia has been undergoing occupational therapy and physiotherapy in B Y L Nair Hospital since a week. Her last MRI test conducted at Bombay Hospital before her discharged showed good recovery.

Kapadia studies at St Joseph's High School in Agripada. "She will attend first two lectures in class IV and then we will take her to physiotherapy. While earlier she was on semi-liquid food, she has now slowly started chewing food. Soon, we will start her speech therapy too," her father said.


  • Hazeqa Kapadia spent over two months in Bombay Hospital, out of which, for one month she was in a coma  
  • Doctors have advised her  to attend school as a part of her recovery treatment  
  • She has been undergoing occupational therapy and physiotherapy since a week