The state education department has decided to finally conduct online admission for Science (Bifocal-Vocational) courses for students seeking admission in First Year Junior College (FYJC) this year. Junior college teachers claim the move will bring great relief to students who find it difficult to get admission in bifocal in colleges.


DNA was the first to report on ‘Maharashtra may consider online admissions for bifocal courses in FYJC’ on 9 March. A meeting was recently held between education officials to discuss the matter. Looking at several complaints from last year’s FYJC admission process of students not getting bifocal courses after taking admission in the Science stream, it has been decided to introduce Bifocal in zero round of admission process of FYJC this year.

Ramesh Deshpande, Vice Principal, Bhavans College, Andheri, said, “Students usually find it difficult to get Bifocal subjects when they take admission in the Science stream. Hence introducing the Bifocal courses for zero round of FYJC online admission process will bring relief to students seeking admission in FYJC Science (Bifocal-Vocational). The merit list of Bifocal will also be declared.”

Though it has been decided that Bifocal admissions will happen when Minority, Management and In-house quota admission will happen with zero round but the education department is yet to clarify whether after zero round if seats remain vacant in Bifocal will it be included for open rounds of admissions.


  • Subjects in bifocal include electronics, computer science, electrical maintenance, mechanical maintenance and motorcycle servicing.  
  • Students who usually wish to go for the engineering field take these courses offered by colleges in FYJC and SYJC.