If running for cover from temperamental showers is your idea of exercise during the monsoon, fitness freaks in the city will leave you feeling guilty in no time. As Leena Mogre, director, Leena Mogre Fitness reveals, the rains do little to put a dampener on the spirit of the fervent gymgoer.


“Attendance in our gyms actually increases during the rains because people are stuck at home with nothing to do,” she says, adding skeptically, “I am always wary of people who ask me for exercises they can do at home because that never happens. It’s more motivating to work out with a personal trainer or join a group exercise activity where you can look forward to meeting friends, getting some exercise and sneaking in a good chat.”

For theatre professional Riddhi Dave, 24, looking good is part of her job and no rain or thunder can interfere with her sessions with a personal trainer thrice a week. “I also go jogging in the park even if it’s raining. It’s actually fun. I’ve trained my body in such a way, that even on a gloomy day, I rarely miss a workout.” Unfortunately, Riddhi’s resolve doesn’t extend to her palate. “The weather does make me give in to temptation but being regular in my workouts helps lessen the guilt.” Wardrobe consultant Varsha Bhawnani agrees, “I stay way from fatty foods in the rains because exercise tends to get limited. I drink a lot of tea and coffee, which means excessive sugar intake, so that’s something I try to cut out too.”

Nalina Talwalkar of Talwalkar’s Aerobics Studio believes signing up for physical exercise in the monsoon helps people cope with the blues and avoid the trap of comfort eating. She is quick to dismiss the tendency, saying, “I hear of people going to Lonavala to eat bhajias in the rain. There’s this belief that because it’s cold, your appetite increases, but it’s all in one’s mind.”

Freelance personal trainer Roman Sherwani has been around long enough to predict which of his clients are most likely to cancel a session with him, and when. “I have two clients who get really moody during the rains. People most often tend to cancel in the mornings when it’s raining and the weather is chilly,” Sherwani says.

A proverbial fitness freak, 24-year-old ad guy Pushkaraj Shirke, nevertheless, hates to hit gym in the monsoon. He prefers to take off on weekends for a trek instead. “The rains are the best time to go trekking since all the passes are open,” he says.