The education board is putting schools in the state in a fix. A few years ago, it asked schools to pass all students from Class I to VIII.


After complaints about a slide in quality of education, the department is now saying that it will hire an outside agency to evaluate student performance.

"Schools were first asked to pass all students, irrespective of their performance. Students gradually lost seriousness in studies, and, now, by bringing in a third party for evaluation, the roles of schools are further being diminished," says one educational activist.

A survey by a private organisation last year showed that most students were struggling with basic arithmetic and even with reading.

"The education department and the minister should focus on improving the standard of education and not waste money on a third party who will do the same evaluation that educational institutes conduct," adds the activist.But wheels have already started rolling within the department, with discussions on how to go about the assessment currently on. It appears education minister Vinod Tawde is keen on introducing the policy from the upcoming academic year.

The external agency, it is learnt, will conduct surprise assessments and test different abilities of children from different age groups.

Last year, there were two separate evaluations and both results were not very positive.