Mumbai was engulfed in a haze of dust on Sunday and the respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM) rose to levels much higher than normal.


Bandra saw the RSPM level reach 157 micrograms per cubic metre but the rise was much less significant in Sion, where the RSPM level was 109 micrograms per cubic metre. The normal RSPM level is 100 micrograms per cubic metre.

The haze was a result of a dust storm in the Persian Gulf. The dust was carried over by the westerly winds and affected the Konkan region, parts of north Maharashtra, Nashik and Nagar districts. Western parts of Pune district were also affected by the haze.

While the weather was relatively clear on Sunday morning, by afternoon the blanket of dust had gotten more prominent.

Rakesh Kumar, head scientist and chief of National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, said, "The RSPM levels had risen due to the sand storm but the settling process has begun and the RSPM levels will also dip down. The storm is not a very severe one and should settle down by Tuesday."