Four corporators of Dhule Municipal Corporation (DMC) have been arrested along with 27 others for locking all the departments and the gate of the corporation on Saturday. The arrested corporators were of the apposition party Shiv Sena who were protesting against the alleged government neglect towards DMC. The posts of commissioner, four deputy commissioners and some officers are vacant in the corporation for about a month. The work of the corporation is being handled by only one deputy commissioner. However, he is unwell at present and hence not attending work regularly. Lack of senior officers have created a huge backlog of work in the corporation.   The Sena corporators on Saturday asked all the staff and people inside the building to go out and then locked the departments and the gate of the DMC. The police intervened and tried to open the gate but this led to a skirmish between the corporators and the police. Finally, the police forced opened the gates. Cases were filled against 27 persons including 14 corporators for obstructing government work. The Dhule Municipal corporation is run by the Cong-NCP combine.