From reciting names of all Gods to conducting havans for each of them, devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba are doing it all to ensure the octogenarian spiritual leader has a fast recovery. Sai Baba’s health has been deteriorating since March 28 when he was admitted and is now said to be “very, very critical”.


At the Dharmakshetra, called the abode Sai Baba at Mahakali Caves Road in Andheri, over 300 devotees gathered on Thursday to sing bhajans and conduct ‘Lakshya Archana’. Some who have been second generation devotees in their family even termed his illness as an opportunity to learn what they have missed out on in the past.

“It is we who have not been able to adopt his blessings and teachings in certain ways because of which he has chosen to be ill. He wants us to transform ourselves and which is why he is ill.

The fall out is that we see in an unprecedented way people performing prayers for their own transformation,” said Anoop Saxena, a 60-year-old second generation devotee of Sai Baba in his family.

Sai Baba, who is considered by his followers as re-incarnation of Shirdi’s Sai Baba, is revered by people of different ages who are yet to have a personal interaction with him. Geeta Kasbekar, 64-year-old resident of Sher-e-Punjab, who was at the prayer meet is one such. “Ever since my husband passed away, I have had faith in him and he has made sure that my life passes peacefully. I have never met him but have taken his darshan,” she said.

“We learn to love and be compassionate towards people. There is nothing greater than this. I am sure he will be alright. He is ill because he wants us to transform ourselves. How can a person who can get people back from death be ill,” said 31-year-old writer Amishi Seth.

People gathered speak highly of his miracle powers. V Srinivas had one to recollect from the many he experienced. He said, “When all doctors had said that my wife will not be able to conceive, Baba blessed her and we had two children,” said the 70-year-old Srinivasa

Head of Maharashtra and Goa chapters of the Sri Sathya Sai Baba Organisation, Ramesh Sawant too became an avid follower of the Swami had a miracle to share. “My body had begun to become numb waist downwards. Doctors said that after operation, there would be only 20% life, but instead, Baba treated me and all the check ups have shown that I am fine. Now I devote all my time in his service,” said Sawant.