The Defence Estate Office (DEO) of the Defence ministry has stated that some tangible action will be taken in a month's time on what it had called "prima facie illegal" transaction of its land by some members of the Anglican Church community. A member of the Anglican community claimed to represent the Bombay Diocesan Trust Association (BDTA), and had entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) and put out a public notice about it.The MoU entered was for a 38,394 sq ft plot in Fort that has its registered office of BDTA in a heritage building given by the Defence ministry on lease."We have written letters to various government offices asking for documents so that we can take action. We need documents to take action. We will wait for some time and if we do not get any reply from them, we will seek further legal opinion and take action with respect to the notice. There are warring factions in the community who keep doing this. We want to look at a permanent solution as this has been going on for a while and we want to put an end to it," said Prasad Chavan, Defence estate officer.DNA had reported about some members of the community taking objection to the public notice. "We are waiting so that we can get some documents. Documents are needed to check the veracity of the transactions," said Chavan.Ashok Dayanand Sonule, community member calling himself to be managing director and authorised signatory of BDTA Ltd signed the MoU. When contacted by DNA, Sachin Bandkar, advocate for Sonule as per public notice issued by him said he would forward DNA's questions to Sonule. However, there was no reply from both the parties.