The first day of the placement in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT’s) across the country started with a good note, in particular for IIT-Bombay. IIT-Bombay saw highest package offer at 1.64 lakh USD/annum that is Rs 1.14 crore/annum by Microsoft. The other big offer from an international company was from Japan’s NEC. The highest package offered by them was of 45.83 Lakhs JPY /annum that is Rs 28 lakh/annum in this year placement.


Apart from offers by international giants, the domestic companies too offered big money. Blackstone offered Rs 45 lakhs/annum while Worldquant offered Rs 42 lakh/annum. A total of 21 companies participated on the first day of placement at IIT-B. For jobs in India, the highest numbers of offers were done by companies like Microsoft, Qualcomm, BCG, Strategy & Cairn. The maximum International offers were made by companies like NEC Japan, Microsoft, Optiver, Rubrik, Cohesity and Uber. 

According to the IIT-B placement cell, the number of offers whose salary is greater than 25 lakhs is more than last year.

While in the first phase of IIT-B placement will be from December 1 to 16 more than 275 companies have expressed interest in visiting the campus and 165 pre-placement offers have been received out of which 126 were accepted. This year 1,650 students have registered for placements.