The deputy superintendent of police and an assistant police inspector from Lonavla, held in an alleged molestation case by the Gamdevi police on Monday, have been granted bail of Rs15,000 each by the Girgaum court on Tuesday. The police are on the lookout for one more person in the case. 


According to the police, on Saturday night, a 32-year-old Churchgate resident had visited Hotel Krishna Palace at Grant Road with her husband and friends to celebrate her birthday. Around 1.30am on Sunday, two persons came close to the her and one of them allegedly touched her inappropriately. The victim then raised an alarm and her husband and friends rushed to help her. 

When the victim's husband and friends tried to confront the duo, they fled from the spot. At that time, a third person intervened saying he is a policeman and asked the victim's husband not to chase the other two. The third person also threatened and hurled abuses at the victim and her husband, the police said. 

“During the ruckus, a mobile phone and a police identity card of Pune rural police was found at the spot. The identity card belonged to API Sandeep P. Sandeep turned out to be the third person who stopped the victim and her husband from chasing the other two persons. The victim and her husband then lodged a police complaint and submitted the ID card,” said an officer from Gamdevi police station. 

Based on her complaint, the police on Monday arrested DSP Vaibhav Kalubarme and API Sandeep Yede for the offence. They were booked on charges of molestation, assault and threatening, police said.