In a recent survey conducted by M-Indicator, the mobile app on Mumbai transport system, some 1,26,000 commuters were quizzed between April 13 and April 20 about their opinion of the newly introduced Bombardier rakes on the western line. And while only a fraction 22,766 persons - were aware of the rakes, most of them found the new trains reasonably comfortable. They shared their views and suggestions about the trains willingly, and gave valuable feedback on how the rakes can be improved.


Sachin Teke, founder of M-Indicator, said, "Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation was going to conduct this survey offline, but we thought with a better reach online, we could get people's actual views. There were mixed views about the new rakes."

These rakes have overhead handles to ease boarding and alighting from the train. They have double-sided plastic handles to hold on to. One of their other key features is the double rod at the entrance. The width of the seat has been reduced in first-class compartments.

Some 92.40% of the people find the seating arrangement all right. They are mostly comfortable with the leg space, visibility of display boards, forced ventilation, fans and other electrical fittings. 88.53% find that the handles for holding on to while standing are adequate, and 34.01% people find the handle on the doors uncomfortable. The survey conducted shows positive results but when they were asked for their feedback many felt that the handle on the door very cumbersome and they found the double rod in the entrance obstructing movement and creating shortage of space.

Some commuters felt that seating arrangement, like in the Metro, would be more comfortable and they also suggested that automatic doors should be placed in the rakes to ensure safety. Although commuters feel that some changes need to be incorporated, they are happy with the rakes on the whole.

A commuter says, "My suggestion is to make the necessary changes to the door handle. It should be like in the previous rakes, which are comfortable." Another commuter says, "Fibre seats are weak. Please look for stronger options. Door handles are a little uncomfortable. When the train pulls up at the station, please show which side the platform falls through LED arrow-mark indicators."

Vanisht Iyer, a BMM student who commuted daily from Vasai to Sion, says, "It is good that they have split the handles into two in the new Bombardier rakes. It is very helpful during peak hours. But the double pole near the door is not a very good idea as only two people can stand at the footboard now. The seats are okay."