The gymkhanas had not paid prescribed amount to the govt

Nine clubs and gymkhanas in the suburbs have been issued show-cause notices by the collector for not taking permission of the landowners — the state government — and not paying the prescribed amount for hosting marriage and private ceremonies.

The recreation clubs that have been served with the notices include Khar Gymkhana, Otters’ Club and Chembur Gymkhana.

“The collector had said that it was clearly a loss of revenue to the state government because the gymkhana can rent out their open spaces for marriages and other functions only if they seek permissions. But Khar Gymkhana has not sought any permission for nearly 30 years,” said a member of Khar Residents’ Association on condition of anonymity.

KRA had asked the local  corporator Ashish Shelar to intervene who in-turn was informed by the collector that his notices in the past were ineffective. Shelar said, “I did complain to the collector about people’s grievances, as the marriage ceremonies led to traffic jams.”

In law, this notification can be levied only if the original lease agreement between the collector and the institution allows the usage of Collector’s land for activities other than sporting activities. “The original lease agreement for Khar Gymkhana doesn’t have this lease agreement,” said the member of KRA.

When collector Vishwas Patil was contacted, he said, “ We had received complaints from residents that the gymkhana was conducting marriages and private ceremonies contrary to the terms and conditions of the government. We have asked them to submit the records.”

Patil informed that not just Khar gymkhana but nine others like Otters’ Club and Chembur Gymkhana have been issued notices to seek prior permission and pay the prescribed amount to the collector for conducting ceremonies.

Patil said, “The collector office has to be paid half the amount the institution has earned from ceremonies that its grounds were hired for.”