The Akhil Maharashtra Machhimar Kriti Samiti on Wednesday raised a slew of issues that they said were not just threatening their livelihood but also their existence. These included the use of LED and pursing nets by trawlers that were leading to the fishes disappearing from the sea. Besides this, the latest on the list of worries of the fisherfolk is the recent CRZ relaxation which they claim will end up helping builders capture their lands.


"Due to a number of trawlers and pursing nets, the fishes have disappeared from the sea bed for the past four months. These trawlers use LED lights when they come to fish at night. The lights are flashed on the water allowing the fish to gather at one spot and then the pursing nets capture them, leaving no fish in the sea," said Damodar Tandel, president of the Samiti in a press conference at Cuffe Parade.

Due to this, Tandel said that for the past four months most of the fishermen have had nothing at hand despite going to sea. They have to stay at home because whatever they catch is not sufficient to meet expenses. "They are not even able to recover the expenses they incur while going to the sea for the catch. Whatever they get is very little. This is happening across Maharashtra. Lakhs of fishermen have not caught anything," claimed Tandel.

On the CRZ relaxation, Tandel said, "Slowly, houses will be built and the residents will complain that there is a smell because of us. Then they will say that we should be moved out when we are the ones who have been living here for years." He added, "CRZ relaxation would mean that the land can also be added into SRA schemes. Koliwadas cannot be counted as SRA till now."


  • Trawlers using LED lights and pursing nets to catch fish at night have left nothing for the fishermen.  
  • Despite going to sea, they have been finding it difficult to meet expenses for the past four months.