In a case of real life imitating reel life, a 19-year-old woman was rescued from a brothel by her client who was touched by her tragic story.

A single mother, Prema Kumar (name changed) was abandoned by her lover at the age of 16. At 19, life dealt another blow - she was sold to a brothel-owner in Mumbai’s infamous red-light district, Kamathipura.

When Kumar, who hails from Kottapalli, a village in Andhra Pradesh, migrated to Hyderabad with her three-year-old daughter to find employment with the Hyderabad-based NGO Prajwala, life had was just beginning to get back to normal. However, things were soon to take a turn for the worse when a woman named Kajal befriended her.

Kajal allegedly lured her with the promise of securing her a well-paying job in Dubai. An unsuspecting Kumar agreed to come to Mumbai, along with her daughter, on October 7. However, Kajal allegedly sold her to Devi Pujari, a brothel-owner in Kamathipura for a few thousand rupees.

After days of hesitation, Prema finally mustered the guts to narrate her story to Lalit (name changed), a regular customer at the brothel for the past one month. Lalit, moved by her story, immediately contacted Prajwala, who directed him to Rescue Foundation in Mumbai.

On November 17, Rescue foundation and the DB Marg police station laid a trap with the help of volunteers posing as customers. Police managed to arrest Pujari, the brothel-owner and are on the lookout for Kajal.

Meanwhile, Prema and her child have been sent to the Navjivan Mahila Sudhar Griha in Chembur, where she will be kept till November 26, before being sent back to Hyderabad after counselling.