New Year is the time to make new beginnings, new resolutions and build the foundation for a better tomorrow. To sow the seeds of a better tomorrow, Bramha Kumaris in Dombivli have organised a spiritual mela where young and old, men and women, children and adults can pave the way for a spiritual life in 2016.


Bramha Kumaris, a world-known spiritual organisation, has organised an eight-day spiritual mela at SV Joshi high school. The mela, which started on December 30, will continue till January 6. It is being held to commemorate 40 years of its Dombivli branch.

At this mela, they have shown various stages of Indian civilisation through beautiful floats and accompanying storyline. They have shown the four yugas – Satyug, Tretayug, Dwaparyug and Kalyug and explained the kind of human beings and society existed then.

"The 5000-year-old Indian civilisation is a Dev/god civilisation. In Satyug and Tretayug, there were gods on earth and the society was very beautiful and peaceful," says Harsha didi from Bramha Kumari, adding, "In Dwaparyug, gods forgot their godliness and started worshipping other gods through idol pujas. This was the establishment of various religions."

In Kalyug, the worship of five elements – earth, water, fire, air and sky started. "Though there was a lot of scientific progress, it also led to destruction of earth. This led to a life full of stress, tension, addiction making people feel helpless," she explains. "To achieve stability and to empower oneself, Rajyog is the way. One can empower oneself and seek relief from the stress of Kalyug," she adds.

But the current yuga, they say, is Purshottam Sangam yuga, where the basis for a new society based on Satyug is being laid. To take their message among the youth, they have organised a youth mela today and women empowerment mela on Tuesday.