The BMC is planning another cloud seeding experiment at the catchment area near Vihar lake to induce rains and address water scarcity in the city.

“The lake water levels have not been rising as per expectations. In the last few days, the water content of all six lakes providing water to the city rose by 22,315 million litres of water. Water available, at present, amounts to 754, 674 million litres, which will suffice for only six months,” said Jairaj Phatak, municipal commissioner said.

“The cloud seeding experiments, so far, were conducted only over Tansa and Modak Sagar. Now the artificial rain experiments will also be conducted over Vihar and Tulsi lakes,” said he.

Vihar lake supplies water to Kurla and Tulsi along with Modak Sagar and Tansa supplies water to other parts of Mumbai. Phatak also said that the water supplied by the civic body will be costlier in future.