Who was this man? Why was he staring at me? Why wasn’t I afraid? I didn’t know what to do and just stood there, awestruck by the entire experience. Then his mouth curved in a gentle smile and his eyes began to sparkle like a child’s.

“Only you can discover your destiny, Dar. Only you can know the path that has been laid out for you, the one your heart is calling you to walk. The Zen sages say that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Now, that phrase may be over used, but it is also true. I know of your loss. I know of your suffering. I know of your confusion. I also know of your longings.”

“My longings? What do you mean?” I asked in a quiet voice.

“You are a seeker, as are so many others on the planet today. The world is transforming as people who were once willing to live ordinary lives now step out of their comfort zones to expolore the wilderness of the extraordinary. People are no longer willing to settle for being half-alive, divorced from their authentic power. They want to live greatly and soar among the clouds, to walk among giants, to dance with the stars!” His forceful voice rose passionately to fill the small room.

Now he began to laugh. “Forgive me Dar, I’m getting a little carried away. It’s just that I am so excited about what’s happening in the world today. Millions and millions of people are standing up for their best lives. So many  people are refusing to play the victim and instead choosing to play victor. So many people are going deep within themselves to visit and conquer their fears. Hearts are opening right across the globe and people are reclaiming the brilliant and wonderful parts of themselves that they lost as they grew up and became adults. It’s an extraordinary time to be alive. The whole world is becoming a better place.”

“It doesn’t seem like it to me,” I offered, the skeptic in me coming to the surface. “There are wars, famine, crime. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the most socially conscious guy out there, but even I can see that the world is a very turbulent place.”

“Quite true,” the man replied with humility, as if he had nothing to prove to me. “There is still much darkness in the world. But, trust me, there is also more light in it than ever. So many people have come to realise that you can curse the darkness or you can be the one who lights the candle.”

Robin Sharma is author of Discover Your Destiny, Jaico.