The infant moved its limbs and cried when his father was about to bury him

Dead, alive, dead - in one day. A pre-maturely born infant, weighing just 500 grams, died twice in the Government Medical College and Hospital in Nagpur — first on papers and a day later, actually.

In between, the infant returned to the incubator on Wednesday, straight from the grave when his father was about to bury him.

“The doctors, who performed surgery on my wife on Wednesday morning said that the newborn was dead and even issued the death certificate,” said Suresh Charde, the father of the baby.

It was only when Charde was about to bury the child at Mokshadham crematorium that the child moved its limbs and started crying. Suresh rushed the baby back to the hospital, where doctors too were taken aback terming it a ‘miracle.’ The infant was put in incubator and kept under observation, but on Thursday the infant finally died.

The Dean of the Government Medical College and Hospital, Dr Varsha Sagdeo told DNA, that the sonography reports show that the foetus was just 23-week-old, and for a baby to be ‘viable’, the foetus should be at least 28-week-old. The child weighed just a sixth of a normal newborn’s weight. The surgery was done to save the life of the mother, Maya, after she developed  complications.

The dean defended her doctors and said, “The chances of viability of a 23-week-old foetus is nil. The doctors declared the baby dead after confirming that it showed no activity. The system of the foetus must have adapted to surroundings, stimulating the baby to do some activity when it was to be cremated.”

An internal inquiry has been initiated in to the incident, as Maya claims that she was  already seven months into the pregnancy.