Even as admissions to medical colleges are slated to start from July 4, the students who had lost time during the common entrance exams are still awaiting the court’s verdict.

The Directorate of Medical Education and Research (DMER) has released the admission schedule based on MHT-CET 2008.
After many students were unable to complete their papers due to the alleged negligence of the invigilators on May 8, three petitions were filed in the Bombay High Court, which were clubbed together.

While some of the affected students have almost lost the engineering and pharmacy seats because of low ranking and the admissions coming to an end, their hopes of a preferred medical seat may also be dashed.

“I was intending to do my bachelors in dental course, but now I will have to be content with a seat in physiotherapy,” Swarali Angolkar, a petitioner, said. 

“Raksha Algeri, a petitioner from DG Ruparel College, was ranked 49th in the state. If she hadn’t lost those five minutes, she could have topped the state or might have been among the top rankers,” the Rajesh Jain, president of parents association of medical students said. 

Though the hearings were over, a small affidavit correcting the date on one of the reports had still not been submitted, alleged a petitioner.