The duo was identified as Jakir Jamil Khan, 20, who originally hails from Jaunpur (UP), and Anilkumar Ashok Phatak, 27, a resident of Yavatmal district of Eastern Maharashtra, joint commissioner of police Bipin Kumar Singh said.
Updated : Jun 24, 2011, 12:34 AM IST
Police have arrested two youths in connection with the alleged gang rape of a 17-year-old girl at Kalyan railway station.
The duo was identified as Jakir Jamil Khan, 20, who originally hails from Jaunpur (UP), and Anilkumar Ashok Phatak, 27, a resident of Yavatmal district of Eastern Maharashtra, joint commissioner of police Bipin Kumar Singh said at a news conference today.
Both were remanded in police custody till June 30 by a local court, he said, adding hunt was on for the third accused.
The gang rape took place in the early hours of Tuesday.