In what could give clues to the social demographics in Maharashtra, 2,299 murder cases were committed in 2016, 184 people were killed over illicit relationships – a fact that was revealed in the data unveiled by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) recently.


In fact, Maharashtra stands third at 184 in murders committed because of illicit relationships, the NCRB data revealed. According to the NCRB, in 2016, Uttar Pradesh witnessed the maximum number of murders committed because of illicit relationships at 284, followed by Bihar at 195.

Delhi, again topped last year in the number of murders due to love affairs, with 398 cases and Maharashtra was on fifth position with 81 cases, which means at least six person died due to love affairs every month in Maharashtra.

Other reasons that the data has mentioned behind killings in the state are personal enmity with 199 murders, property related disputes leading to 117 killings, 75 persons being murdered for dowry, 74 persons being murdered due to extremism and naxalism, 34 being killed during robberies and extortion, 39 people being killed in disputes over water or money, 19 due to rape and eight lives were claimed by honour killings.

The data also read that 43 victims of murders were killed by firearms, of which 39 were executed with the help of illegal unlicensed firearms. The highest number of murders by illegal firearms was reported from Uttar Pradesh at 1,302.

"The figure of murder cases in Maharashtra is indeed alarming, but often it has been seen in criminal cases that sour relationships and illicit affairs lead to behavioural changes leading to the crime. Those affected with experiences of love affairs gone awry or illicit relationships should go for counselling instead of choosing a wrong path. Also, we are making concentrated efforts to ensure there is sustained crackdown on those using and smuggling illegal firearms in the state," said a senior Maharashtra IPS officer, requesting anonymity.


2,299Murders committed in Maharashtra 2016

184Murders committed over illicit relationships

284Murders committed over illicit relationships in UP

195Murders committed over illicit relations in Bihar