Tell us about your experience with dna iCan Women's Half Marathon.For the last four years, I've been watching women run with their heart, soul and mind, not with their legs. A woman's determination far exceeds a man's in many ways. This fact came to light when year before last my daughter Karishma ran the half marathon (21km) for the first time without any training; it was only due to the sheer power of her mind that she could complete it. Running together makes people aware of the spirit of endurance and perseverance of one's mind and personality. I was amazed to see a lot of first-timers taking part. I salute the spirit of womanhood. And it is great to see them running for causes dear to their heart.Fitness is an important aspect in everyone's life. How important is warming up and cooling down?A good warm-up prior to your training or any exercise regimen prepares the mind and body for more strenuous workouts, prevents injuries like sprains, pulls, soreness and fatigue and boosts goals of efficiency. A 10-15-minute warm-up to get the blood flowing unhindered into your muscles enhances flexibility and suppleness. Light aerobic activities like jogging, jumping jacks, climbing stairs, neck and shoulder rotations, shoulder shrugs, arm rotations, toe touches, side bends, and hamstring stretch are a few recommended warm-ups. Similarly, cooling down thoroughly after high-intensity training sessions is equally important. The purpose is to stretch, thereby increasing your flexibility and range of movements while your body is warm. Relax and unwind. Along with your body, your spirit also warms up and gathers momentum, gives you self-confidence and prepares you for a long haul with grit and determination. Let your determination be maximized, GetMickeymized!They say diet is 70% of a fitness regimen. Can you elaborate?Food translates into performance. Good food can give you a good flight (to life) or otherwise. A healthy and sensible choice of foods plays a crucial part of any training or wellness plan. The purpose of food is to nourish, energise, stimulate and purify us. Food impacts our moods, thoughts, attitude, alertness, etc, and gives a boost to our intelligence and immunity. Therefore, your diet and choice of food is an important factor. Whether you are preparing for the marathon or for any sport activity, carbohydrates form the primary source of energy or fuel for the muscles and body's tissues. A macronutrient ratio of 50% carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 20% fat is recommended. Incorporate whole grains, millets, beans and sprouts as complex carbohydrate sources, besides consuming fruits, bananas, fibrous vegetables, salads, greens, nuts and seeds. Avoid processed, altered and preserved foods, foods high in glycemic index like white flour, white rice, potato, desserts, sugary drinks, alcohol, etc. Have five to six meals a day. Also, never eat when not hungry and never ignore hunger. Both are equally important.How can a runner prevent injuries such as split shins or a swollen heel? And how important is strength training?Do a lot of breathing, meditation, and prayer. Strong legs and strong core muscles help to stabilise the spine to make your run more successful. Strength training reduces injuries of the lower extremities as well as the abdominal muscles. Squats, lunges, calf raises, hamstring stretches, climbing stairs, sprinting, suryanamaskar, etc, help to develop muscle endurance and can power your performance. Successful training needs gradual progression in intensity as well as volume, but not at the same time. Take your challenges slowly to avoid injuries. And consult a good personal trainer to monitor your intensity.(Global leading holistic health guru Mickey Mehta and Pro Sports team will conduct the motivation and warm-up sessions for all three categories of runs of the half marathon.)