Q: What is BMC doing about the frequent water pipeline ruptures in the city?A: We have identified those pipelines which are in a poor condition and in need of urgent repairs or replacement. We have been periodically carrying out work on them. Our new initiative is to do a condition assessment of a few pipelines, to start with. We have already invited expressions of interest from companies, and received four responses. This will give us a better picture of the exact condition of pipelines.Q: The complicated network of water pipelines is not digitally-mapped, because of which there is a chance of frequent damages being caused by other agencies. Please comment.A: We have a detailed map of the water pipeline network. But the map is not digitised as of now. As part of the five-year Water Distribution Improvement Programme, there will be a complete digitisation of the pipeline map and each pipeline will be GPS-coordinated. In the same way, the map of the sewer network has already been digitised.Q: Once the pipelines are GPS-coordinated, how will that help in curbing accidental pipeline damages by other agencies while carrying out their work?A: Once the water pipeline map is digitised, chances of pipeline damages will be minimised. Any other department, whether it is the road department, the storm water drain department, or any other utility company, will be aware of the accurate location of a water pipeline.