The then “Bombay” and now “Mumbai” to me, is like an old wristwatch your grandfather gave to you.


It’s partially corroded, tarnished on the bezel, the glass is foggy and cracked, it’s weather beaten, the hands runs slow, strap pokes your wrist as a few links have worn away, the winder has fallen off, leaving the insides open to the elements, the mechanism’s busted, but yet you wear it, because it makes you feel good and comfortable. It makes you feel connected to the past, and reminds you of how it was during the good old days.  Once in a while, you will wear that other watch, just to take a break from it, but eventually, like a pair of old faithful jeans, you’ll have it back on your wrist, and feel comfortable.

I am a die hard “born and brought up in Bombay”, boy. The surname Khambatta suggests that we came from the gulf of Khambat, but no one recalls when or how long back we migrated to Bombay and made it our home. So stories my grand parents told me about their childhood, were from this city itself. So the answer to the frequently asked question. “which is your native place”, is very much,  Bombay.

As regards my sculptures, I am often asked, where I draw my inspiration from. I have had only one answer since ages, it’s definitely Bombay. It’s a misconception that in order to be creative, you need to be in a calm serene silent place. The madness of this city is what drives me. All you have to do is have all your senses wide open, and you’ll realize It’s a 24/7 drama happening in real time.

The multiple sounds from the incessant honking, the hawkers cry, children going wild in a school bus, blaring music belting out Bollywood numbers, the shuffle of a thousand feet making their way to work, the rhythmic clatter of iron wheels on the tracks, the visuals formed by the people, on balconies, behind their wares or just crossing the streets, a fleeting smile from a passer by, the burst of colour from the hoardings and the vehicles the clothing, the blue (sorry) grey sky. Everything. All these experiences together collectively create the experience called Mumbai.

My all time favorite artist who captured this city like no other could, bringing out its true essence and feel, was Mario Miranda.One glimpse at one of his complex caricatures of the city, gives you the complete experience of the city in a flash.

To get an idea of how over wound and upbeat we are in this fast paced city, I recall sitting in a small café in Bengaluru.  After I placed my order, I told the waiter, “please get my food fast”.

His reply, “If you want things fast,  go to  Bombay”.

That’s what Mumbai is,  the fast, super charged “New York of the east”, as its often referred to.

(Arzan Khambatta is a renowned sculptor who has found a new love now in stand-up comedy.  )