It's the last week of the year, and it's only fair that you flit in and out of your party shoes. The only downside of incessant partying though is the numbing feeling it leaves behind in your limbs and muscles. Die-hard party addicts will also testify that no amount of caffeine can rescue you from dehydration that follows vodka shots-downing and beer-guzzling contests. This is not to say that one must not party hard, but rather, there are ways and means of avoiding the downsides of partying.For starters, before you even step out of home, gulp down lots of water. "It is important to hydrate your body before a period of drinking or excessive eating. Water, orange juice and Glucon D prevent dehydration," says Jagdish Bramta, life coach and trainer to some of the city's top financial industry professionals.Hydrate thyselfDon't forget to sip on water after your drinks at the party. "Every alcoholic drink should be followed by a glass of water," says yoga instructor Vandana Yadav. "Bloating occurs when we don't drink enough water which aids in flushing out toxins from our body."She also recommends eating before heading out. "Don't starve your body. Eat before you go for a party so you can nibble on party food," says Yadav. Celebrity trainer and fitness professional Vinod Channa stresses that a clean stomach i.e. good bowel movement, is one of the three main factors any fitness training can start. "You have to ensure that your stomach is clear. For this, you must add fibre to your diet," says Channa, who counts Bollywood's leading stars among his clients. The 36-year-old recommends foregoing curries for salads and meat. "Don't take full portions. If you must eat a sweet, don't gobble it all down. Take a couple of bites instead," says Channa.Happy feetConsidering that most parties involve mingling and walking around, you know you will be on your feet for extended hours. This added pressure on the heels for a prolonged period often leads to pain. A solution Bramta suggests, is that both men and women use shoes that are a size larger and line them with insoles; padded insoles for women and cushioned insoles for men. "If your footwear is snug fit or even slightly tight, your feet and legs can give you piercing pain. It is best to have comfortable footwear then," says Bramta, who also dons the hat of a Vedanta teacher and managing director for Jiva Balance.The other critical thing to bear in mind is blood circulation. Both Yadav and Bramta recommend ankle rotations and leg movements to enable this. Bramta suggests that if you are standing in a small group, just transfer your weight on one foot while slightly lifting the other and gently rotating the ankle. "Leg pain that results from standing for a long time essentially arises due to collection of bodily fluids and blood. By rotating the ankles, clockwise and anti-clockwise, blood is circulated by the calf movement, preventing this accumulation," says Bramta.If you experience this sort of pain the morning after your party, then simply soak your legs in a tub of hot water to which rock-salt has been added, as this helps remove trapped energy and relaxes tired muscles. "Another thing you can do is lie flat on your back and raise your legs by placing them on the seat of a chair or a sofa for 15 minutes. This allows for the blood to flow towards the waist, giving immediate relief," says Bramta.Yadav suggests getting into the viparita karni asana to reverse the flow of blood in the legs. "Simply lie on your back and extend your legs at a 90-degree angle against the wall. Hold for 10-20 minutes," says Yadav.Relax, unwind, let goSimple exercises go a long way in helping keep stress away. If your new year resolution involves learning to live in the moment, then it is essential that you adopt these. All the experts, Vinod Channa, Jagdish Bramta and Vandana Yadav, emphasize the role that oxygen plays in ensuring physiological well-being.Yadav and Channa insist on setting aside time for daily pranayam. "Pranayam works as a fuel for muscles. Sit down, keep your back erect, inhale for 10 seconds, hold the breath for 5 seconds and then exhale for 10 seconds," says Channa.Yadav suggest 10-20 rounds. "Breaths done during pranayam should be felt, not heard. If you can hear them, you are making too much effort and it's harmful for the body," says Yadav. Deep abdominal breaths done slowly also help relax the nervous system and recharge the body, says Yadav. "Lie down and bend your knees. Place your right palm lightly on your stomach. As you inhale, feel your stomach push up as your belly fills with air. As you exhale, pull your navel in towards your spine."Stress also tends to manifest in knots in the nape of the neck and the back. The human neck, explains Bramta, is under pressure all the time. For most people, the trapezius muscles are usually not strong enough to bear the weight of a 4.5-5kg head for a long time without discomfort. "Isometric and strengthening exercises are a must for the neck. One such exercise is to hold the back of your head with both hands, fingers interlaced, elbows pointing forward. Then gently, push the head backwards against the hands while also pushing the hands forward towards the head," says Bramta. "This creates the needed resistance on the neck and trapezius muscles. Inhale and exhale consciously for 3-5 seconds. When you release your hands, you'll experience a few seconds of tightening before the blood starts to circulate and relaxes the neck muscles immediately. This exercise can be done sitting, standing or lying down."To soothen back muscles, lie flat on your back, feet on the ground and knees pointing upwards. Take two large cushions and place them between the hamstring (back of the thigh) and calves. "Release your weight on these cushions to get rid of back pain," says Bramta.