1. Wake up early and meditate for 10mins either by concentrating on your breathing or chanting whatever you believe in. 


2. Make a to-do list first thing in the morning whilst you sip your cup of coffee, on PAPER the old school way, because it’s easy to carry and hard to forget, as you have written it down yourself. I’ve tried it and it works better than using to-do apps. 

3. Strike off things as and when you get done with them. The joy of getting your tasks done and seeing them checked off your list boosts your spirits and keeps you going. 

4. Review your list in the evening and see what better way could u have gone about with your tasks; try to improvise the next day. 

5. Squeeze in some exercise between your tasks; it keeps you healthy, active and releases happy hormones. I go on a cycle ride to pay bills and pick up veggies, whilst listening to music; so it doesn't really feel like work or exercise. 

6. De-clutter from time to time...bags, wallets, bills, phones, laptops and cupboards (make space for positive energy). 

7. Stay organized and colourful. I use coloured pens and smileys, stars, exclamations to write my list. It looks cheerful and keeps me happy!Chandni Nihalani Kumar, Business Development Manager, Rattan Estate Agent