Lets face it! Not all women are driven-to-succeed Type-A achievers. But whether or not you want to hold top-spot, you can always benefit by understanding your work environment and the potential obstacles it poses to your success. Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In, Arianna Huffington's Thrive and Joan C. Williams and Rachel Dempsey's What Works for Women at Work, are definitely worth a read. What you take away from them, depends entirely on how you define success.What Works for Women at Work — Co-authored by Joan C. Williams (Founding Director, Center for WorkLife Law, University of California's Hastings College of the Law) and her daughter Rachel Dempsey, this book presents advice based on academic research and interviews with successful women (one of whom disco dances to stay sane at work). From dissecting the bitchy women myth to arguing in favour of paternity leave and of course identifying workplace obstacles such as repeatedly having to demonstrate your competence and finding balance between masculinity and femininity, this book has a lot to offer.Thrive — Redefine success to get what you want out of life is what Arianna Huffington appears to be saying through this combination of insightful personal narrative and compelling research, reportedly triggered by a broken cheekbone and a nasty gash over her eye, courtesy a fall caused by exhaustion and lack of sleep. As co-founder, president, and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post Media Group (one of the world's most influential news brands); author of 14 books (including Third World America and On Becoming Fearless) and mother of two daughters (Christina and Isabella); you can bet this woman knows what she's talking about.Lean In — Step up, raise your hand and your voice, get noticed, push as hard as you can—insists Sheryl Sandberg through this blend of personal experience and research that illustrates how the workplace scales are tipped to favour men. While detractors insist that the book is asking too much of women, the fact remains that Sheryl, who features on Time magazines list of 100 most influential people in the world and is reportedly worth over US$ 1 billion, does have some wise insights to offer on everything from negotiation to mentorship. Is this a book you will enjoy? That my dear woman, depends entirely on which direction you would like to lean in.



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