Women are at their ugliest when the clock strikes three on a Wednesday, a sponsored study has claimed. It hasn't figured when men are at their ugliest though.


The study, which appears to be a marketing gimmick, by a tanning product company Milk Medi Spa found that plummeting energy levels, peaking work stress and the cumulative exhaustion of a big weekend take their toll on Wednesday.

Company’s co-director Anthony Savva said that faces changed from hour to hour, but most people looked best in the morning before gravity took hold and wrinkles got deeper and bags got puffier.

He said that faces looked most haggard at the 3.30pm “ugly hour,” as they reflected the body’s post-lunch sugar slump.

According to Savva, during the night, women go through the golden hours of sleep, which is when their body detoxes itself and absorbs any moisturiser that they have put on the night before.

He told the Daily Telegraph that when women start moving around, squinting, rubbing their face, which contributed to character lines and frown lines.

Savva said that around 10am to midday, the skin starts getting oilier, then at 3.30pm, women start to feel lethargic

He added that as the day progressed, they are exposed to sunlight, pollution, airconditioning, or they might stare at a computer screen all day, all these external factors start to target the skin.