Motivation to lose weight and get healthy can come from anywhere. We hope that it doesn't come from a negative place and leave no scar. Sadly, that was not the case for Betsy Ayala from Texas, US. She found out that her husband was cheating on her and making fun of her overweight body with the mistress. That is when Ayala decided to take matters in her hands.


Ayala was with her now ex-husband since she was 17. She gave birth to their daughter Isabella in 2013 and at the time weighed 265 pounds, reports New York Post.

Two days after Christmas that year she found out through some messages on her husband's Facebook account that he was cheating on her with a co-worker. The duo was trashing her and making fun of her weight issues by calling her fat and a cow!

Ayala told the daily that she was heartbroken over her discovery. She had already started working out in September, was still over 220 pound and her baby was just six-month-old.

Instead of taking the kid away and burning the house down in rage, someone being cheating on might consider, Ayala decided to start small and channel her anger into weight reduction. She cut down on sugar. She also started working out with her sister. It was a mixture of Zumba and putting anger into gym sessions.

"I would cry after every workout and it was then that I decided that this would not define me and I was going to change for me and for my daughter. I wanted her to be proud of her mom and I wanted to be an example for her," Ayala told the daily.

Now Ayala has lost 103 pounds, is a wellness coach helping others trying to lose weight. She has over 70k Instagram followers and is doing the rounds of US television spreading the awareness about healthy living.

"I’m a completely different person both on the inside and outside because of my outlook on everything. I was always very negative and had a chip on my shoulder because I was unhappy with me. I’m happier, I’m confident and most of all I’m positive," said Ayala.