White Tiger may have been a major hit, showering laurels upon the Booker Prize winner Aravind Adiga. The book had a great impact on book lovers everywhere. His latest book Last Man in Tower, which is to be released by the end of this month is being pre-ordered in large numbers across major stores in the city. However, when asked if the hype was justified, some eminent Bangaloreans and avid readers had mixed responses.


"I never understood what the big fuss was about the White Tiger," says fashion guru Prasad Bidapa. "I don't think it's the type of book with which one must explore India as a country. Based on that, I'm not really looking forward to his new book."

Theatre person Rubi Chakravarti goes on to say, "Adiga has lofty views. I'm not really a fan of his narrative style and I'm not very eager to read his latest book."

Most people agreed that the White Tiger did not hold their attention with spellbinding descriptions and didn't appreciate the drab pictures of India, but that is exactly what theatreperson Patrick Wilson liked about the book.

"While it may not have had a very pleasant back-drop with rich, high-flying Indians, I think it was interesting to read from a car driver's point of view. The story was real and not simply colourful. I may not rush out to buy the Last Man in Tower, but I will put it on my 'must read' list and read it eventually," Patrick offers.

However, entrepreneur Harish Bijoor says, "I am the kind of person who likes to chew on what I read. I savour every word, phrase and turn of page. I'd like to take a neutral stance on Aravind Adiga's work. I'm not in a hurry to read his new one."

With people reserving their copies of the Last Man in Tower, the book may become a commercial success, but we'll have to wait to find out if his book, as a work of literature, will be equally successful.