Public display of affection can be an irritant at times especially when couples go overboard not realising that they are becoming a nuisance for others. However, taking this a step further couples have now extended their PDA to social networking sites, making you an unwilling participant in their romantic world.


Nearly half of those who’ve logged on to social networking sites over the last month have seen at least one of their friends share some form of VDA (Virtual Display of Affection). Four in ten of those surveyed said that they feel annoyed or embarrassed by these expressions of VDA. Although 90% of people said that they wouldn’t mind a friend sharing a picture of themselves and their partner, three out of four women said that the biggest VDA no-no is explicit posts between couples. It’s not all lovey-dovey though, sharing too much about a break-up also aggravates people with 58% of them saying they’d rather not know about it.

Follow social media romance etiquette Remember someone is reading your posts It’s easy to forget who sees your social media updates. Your family may be okay with you expressing your feelings online, but your boss may not feel the same. Check your sharing options before you post, and always think twice before you hit enter.

Consider your partner’s audience too Will their boss see your comments or are their friends prone to teasing? In many cases a partner will enjoy private declarations of love (texts, emails, letters) far more than public ones. Leave it up to them whether or not they share it.Keep it light If you do share emotional posts, keep them light-hearted and avoid overtly mushy stuff.

Ask yourself why you want to send the VDA.  Are you simply happy and excited, or are you feeling insecure? Sometimes, we use public declarations of love as a possessive tool or as a way of marking our territory or to reassure ourselves.