Comedian Vir Das stands up for his kind on Women’s Day.


...I mean don’t get me wrong, I am happy that women have a day to themselves. Any date during the year where the collective union of intelligence, sexiness, and awesomeness that is female kind is in a better mood, works for me. But why don’t men get a day? Women’s Day is infinitely beneficial for the estrogen peoples. You get cards, you get gifts, you get pampered and you indulge in a 24 hour celebration of yourselves. I have never celebrated myself for an entire day. If the idea behind Women’s Day is that we love women and are taking time out to give them a thumbs up and our eternal adulation, then I think it is important to dissect just who are taking part in the celebrations.

 People who celebrate Women’s Day: 1) Women who love themselves, 2) Women who love other women (my favorite kind), 3) Men who love women and go out and buy cards, chocolates and disturbing teddy bears who, for some reason, are holding their own hearts in their hands. Also, mix CDs with songs by Elton john and other people who love men, fancy bottles of champagne with names you can’t pronounce, reservations at restaurants where their whole mission in life is to rid you of your life savings and unborn children’s college fund and finally — chocolates that will steal the show in every which way even though they are named after some naked lady called Godiva. The point is this: It is extremely ironic that most of the activity on ‘Women’s Day’ is brought about, funded by and co-ordinated by MEN! Women’s Day in fact involves more manly activities that women realise. Therefore, my proposal is this: Either we work out a sponsorship tagline “Women’s Day — Brought to you by men”. “Women’s Day — In association with Testosterone” or “Women’s Day — Now available at major male wallets”. Cool down ladies ! Cool down! I am not being sexist, it’s your day today and I am not trying to steal it. So how about you women get together and give us men a day?

All we ask for is one day where men are pampered, taken care of, celebrated and given gifts for no apparent reason, because the last time I remember that happening to a man… I think it was his wedding day. — As told to Prachi Kadam