The month of August invariably, is the season when restaurants and hotels overload diners with tricolour menu to commemorate Independence Day. Starters, entree, desserts-all the courses try to bring out the Indian in them with saffron, white and green.


Stepping away from the cliche, the Taj hotel is taking everyone down the memory lane with the gem in its  possession- the menu curated for the eve of Independence on August 14, 1947. Flipping through its archives, the diligent team of Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai, found this treasure which witnessed a historical event, hidden deep in the history of the hotel. The menu stands witness to that triumphant ceremony on the night of 14th August 1947 where at the stroke of midnight, Independence was ushered. 

The four course dinner served on that day, predominantly had French flavours, with a 'Hindustani' starter finding a place of pride as well. Written in French, with government  orders of serving only two dishes, the food had classic elements of France including cheese, salmon and eggs. So, there was a Consommé A Lindienne, cardamom infused chicken broth, Veloute Damandes, a smoked, creamy almond soup to start the evening. Talking to DNA, Rajesh Wadhwa, executive chef, Taj Palace, Delhi shared that Taj has tried to retain the authenticity of the flavours by following the original recipes especially of the sauces, at the same time adding a modern Indian twist to the dishes. 

Giving a lesson in history, he informed how French chefs exercised an upper hand in the kitchens of Taj for almost four decades since it came into existence. This European dominance was reflective in the diners too that mainly had Italian and French patrons and occasionally English maitres d'hotel, it took a Goan to challenge that monopoly. Known as Masci to his guests and the staff, Minguel Arcanjo Mascarenhas started with menial task of cutting and cleaning chicken carcasses, when he joined the Taj Mahal Palace in 1919 at the age of 19. 

"A keen observer, he then rose up the ladder, learning the intricacies of delicate French sauces from the masters themselves. While there are no official records to confirm that Masci designed the August 14 menu, given the respect and power he commanded in the kitchen because of his knowledge, it is highly possible that he spearheaded food for such a significant day," adds Wadhwa. The finale was cooked a host of apprentice chefs who were trained in different techniques but trained under their French counterparts to pick up basics of this cuisine. 

The Taj Palace would be replicating the food for dinner till August 14.


Consomme A LindienneVeloute D'Amandes


Delices A L'Hindustan

Plat Principal

Paupiette De Saumon JoinvillePoularde Souffle IndependenceCrepes Aux Epinards A Lail, Sauce Au TomatoesFeuille De Curry Tempere Legume Rosti, Sauce Au Curry


Vacherin De Peches LiberationFriandisesTea/Cafe