Top 10 ways to wreck your relationship, only if you want to!
1. Spending more time with friends and work: No partner will like it if you are spending more time hanging out with your friends than with him/her. Furthermore, your partner will not accept it if you stay too engrossed in work and not bother to take time out for him/her.
2. Not having sex: Sex or intimacy is a very important part of one’s relationship. So if you are not getting it or the intimacy has totally fizzled out, then it’s for sure that one of you will call it quits soon.
3. Simply ignore: That’s the most annoying and irritating thing, which has the capability of driving you up the wall. Ignoring and avoiding your partner will make him/her detest you and they will want to walk out of the relationship.
4. Forgetting the smaller gestures: Especially if you are a guy then this is one of the best things that will make sure you are dumped. Small gestures like opening the door for her or giving her flowers or remembering her birthday/anniversaries or Valentine’s Day — these matter a great deal for women. And forgetting them will surely break hell loose.
5. Criticising and nagging endlessly: No one likes being criticised
and nagged all the time. Especially the guys hate it to the core when their girlfriends change after marriage. And no one will stick around if this nagging persists.
6. Stop expressing your feelings: The first thing a marriage counsellor will tell you is that a couple needs to be open with each other and express. Stop doing that and you will surely alienate your partner for the worse.
7. Not consulting your partner about purchases: Buying something expensive without telling your partner, will surely land you in his/her bad books. Women tend to get irritated with men and their habit of buying junk.
8. Violating his/her trust: Trust issues have been a problem for many in this world. Trust is the foundation of a stable relationship. So violating it will spell doom on your relation.
9. Flirting with your partner’s friends: That’s a definite no-no. This will make sure that your partner is angry and pissed with you.
10. Avoid conflict: One can perceive avoiding conflict as a plus point in one’s relationship. But, in the middle of a heated argument if you refuse to fight or acknowledge your partner’s point-of-view, then you are definitely in for a shock.